Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tis the time for Thank You

I'm a big believer in 'thank you' notes...hand written!  
I made these 'thank you' notes for the lizard and ladybug to use. 
Give them crayons and stickers and let them go to town.  
It's a great way to get them in the habit of writing 'thank you' notes & it lets them be creative.

There's also a red and green print.
{just click on the image to download the blue note...
or the links above for red or green}

I'd love to hear if you use these :)

linking up:


  1. What a great idea! This is sooo cute! I will definitely print it. I make my punks write thank you notes for everything!

  2. I'm going to use them!!! I downloaded the green. My lil man is almost 4 and can write his name really well so it will be a nice opportunity for everyone to see his name written out. Thanks!!!

  3. This looks great! I featured you today! Hope you had a great holiday!

