Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Toy Story Mania

I love Toy Story...I love Toy Story 2 & I'm sure I'll love Toy Story 3!  My little ones also LOVE Toy far..just #2.  We've seen it ~10 times in the last few days.  In case you are planning a party to celebrate the opening of Toy Story 3 (June 18th) are some cute ideas from Disney Family.  There are 'party packs' at the store (I spotted them at Target)....but why not make your own?  I did cave and by the cups (~$2) because my kids are nutso about drinking out of little cups :).  I had some Target brand paper plates and some left over green plates from another party - this is my version of a 'non-birthday' birthday party pack.

Here are some other really cute ideas - you can find them all here


  1. We love Toy Story too! We went on Toy Story Mania about 50 times at Disney. The boys and I cannot wait to see the new movie:)

  2. I am super in love with the Toy Story series. Can't wait for the third to come out!
