Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day

Have you seen the movie Groundhog Day??  It's one of my faves!!

Do you celebrate the holiday today??  
I think it's one of those cute ones to have fun with.  
Gourmet Mom on-the-Go posted some great ideas for celebrating today.  
She also posted some cute printables.

I planned on sending something to pre-school with the lizard.
BUT he has been home sick the last 2 days & I wasn't in the mood to bake a treat for his class.  Instead, I found these 'heads or tails' Oreos.

They instantly made me think of 'shadows' .... see where I'm going?
Next, I needed a catchy saying for my tag.  
I just printed these on Avery return address labels.

that will work.

Add the cute groundhog printable from Gourmet Mom on-the-Go & I have a cute (inexpensive) treat for the lizard's class!

Day 1 of my Valentine Countdown/Hide & Seek went well.  
Are you having fun with it too?

and, in case you missed the post with all the 
BiRThdAy WeEK GivEaWay ExTRaVaGanZa
HERE it is!

Thank you again to everyone who entered!

Linking up:


Jodee said...

So cute and easy too!

JC's Loft said...

That is a great idea! I just saw those in the store!


beth said...

That is so clever--love it!

Kelli W said...

Those oreos are so cool!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

LOVE the movie Groundhog Day! The Oreo idea is so cute, Staci. I've never seen these before. Today is my youngest's birthday, so she had a groundhog themed birthday party:)

FrouFrouBritches said...

What a great idea! You are the best mom! You find ways to celebrate every stinkin' holiday. Quit making the rest of us moms look so bad, would ya? :) I don't think my kids even know it's Groundhog Day!

Cherie said...

Such a great idea!

Please come by and visit me... I am a new follower! , while you are there... be sure to grab my button for Sweet Saturdays Link Party, and enter my Giveaway!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Those treat bags are adorable! That movie is hilarious, too...I haven't seen it for awhile. Maybe tonight's the night!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

You are such a good mama to take the time to make a treat like that for the class. So cute. :)

Tiffany@Fizzy Party! said...

So simple and oh so FUN! The kids at school must watch the calendar for holiday's :)

Cheryl said...

Two years later and still admiring your creativity... Love this idea!

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