Monday, January 30, 2012

Like my new look?

It's finally here!!  My little blog has a BRAND NEW LOOK. 
Michele from Intrigue Design Studio/Crazy for Design worked her genius 
and created my little piece of heaven. 

I'm in love with ALL of it.  
The colors, the graphics, the 'feel' - it's just perfect for me!

As you can see, there are new pages/tabs. 
I will be adding content to each of them gradually.

Notice the 'advertising' tab?? 
If you'd like to advertise you business/blog with me - 
email me (
for rates and details.
I'm offering a 'sweetheart' of a deal for February :)

Thank you to everyone who visits, reads and comments here.  It is still amazing to me that there are people (other than my relatives) who are interested in my 'stuff'. 

I have lots going on this week..
regular mom stuff, Valentine prep, my birthday party prep
& oh yeah, I'm 40!!! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!


  1. Love it!!! It is so adorable! Happy Birthday too :)


  2. OH MY Goodnes!! The new look is so fitting and absolutely adorable!! I LOVE IT!!

    Hope you have a very happy birthday!!

  3. LOVE, LOVE, Love your new look!!!
    Happy Birthday too- I hope your day is wonderful!!!

  4. Your new look is adorable! Happy Birthday!

  5. BAM! How is that for Monday Morning fabulosity. LOOOOOOOVE!

  6. Happy Happy Birthday to YOU, to YOU! Happy Happy Birthday to YOU! Have a GREAT 40th! and Welcome to the 40's... I broke it in for you for 4 months, so it's all GOOD!

  7. HOW CUTE!!! It looks great! And also love the button! I heart Michele!

  8. Wow! LOVE it. So many cute details. What a great birthday gift to yourself. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 40 ROCKS!

  9. Love it!!! Happy birthday!

  10. It looks great - congrats & Happy Birthday!! The big 40 is coming up for me next year, aahhh!

  11. I LOVE the new look, the textured background is so fun! Happy birthday, I'm right behind you...throwing a blowout for my 40th in 2 years!

  12. Absolutely ADORABLE!!! I love love love this look! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
