Friday, April 6, 2012

Fab Finds Friday - chicks, PEEPS and bunnies, OH MY!

Here are a few fun Easter ideas I've seen & must share!

First up..this adorable Spring Chicken party from Brittany of Grey Grey Designs.  
*this was a party styled for a photo shoot featured in Baby Lifestyles Magazine.
Brittany is ridiculously talented, btw :)
Here's just a tiny peek...
 Click HERE to see the rest of the Super 'tweet' party :)

Chickabug has a great collection of PEEP ideas.  
Are you a fan of PEEPS??  (don't judge, I hate them)

And finally, Party Pinching has so many cute (and doable) Easter ideas.
 Click HERE to see all of them!

I hope you all have a great Easter weekend...and a Happy Passover, if you're celebrating :)


  1. Love those bright colors- and Can I just tell you, every time I come on your blog I get a huge smile. I LOVE your layout of your lil lizard and ladybug- really is just perfect lady! Have a wonderful Easter my friend!-Jen

  2. Such pretty things. I love the peeps in the bases. So cute! Um, I HATE Peeps too. They're so cute, but I won't eat them! ICK!

  3. How am I just now seeing this?! Thanks for the shout out, lovely lady!
