I'm not usually one to talk about myself (much)...but I was honored to be one of The Purple Pug's 'crush of the day' last week.
It was 'Animal Week'...like Shark Week but much cooler.
Kristy has taken on the challenge of featuring 1 'crush' a day for 365 days!
Yeah people..that's a whole year. And a WHOLE lotta crushes.
It's such a great idea. A super way to be introduced to tons of fabulous new people & a fun way to find out a little more about fabulous people you already follow.
So, I now consider myself 'crushed and glittered' Pug Style.

Another great surprise this past week was a sweet package
from Lelan at Hello, Good Gravy.
Super sweet personalized note cards.
I love me some stationery!!
If you're looking for holiday gifts - head over to Good Gravy & stock up.
Free shipping on every order (exp 12/31)
You will not be disappointed!
this isn't really about me...but FSU whooped up on UF this weekend!!
And since it's Cyber Monday - I plan to do some shopping for ME today.
Sure, I'll end up with stuff for the kids ...
but that donut pan will be MINE, ALL MINE!
Happy Cyber Shopping!
Well what a great week you had! Have fun shopping today, you'll have to let us know what you get : )
Congrats on your "crush"! Have fun shopping! Super cute note cards too!!! Love that!
Cute note cards! Congrats on your pug crush, you are easy to "crush on". ;)
Wow! Way to go! I love the note cards too!
Happy Shopping!
Holy cow, how did I miss your Pug Crush feature?! Super congrats...you're in good company. :)
And thanks so much for featuring my little surprise to you! I wasn't expecting to see it posted here. For that, I'll forgive you for rubbing in your UF win. We'll get you next time.
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