Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chic Chick Carnival

I'm participating again this week in the Chic Click Carnival at Tip Junkie!  
The great thing about this kind of carnival...there is no regret after eating funnel cakes, candy apples and cotton candy & then hoppin' on the Tilt-a-Whirl.  
This carnival is a way to meet some new 'peeps'.  
I joined in last week and proclaimed my 'fave peep of the week'.  
Well I've found another great one!  
It's hard not to when there are so many FAB blogs out there.

Here's the deal..
This is not simply a linky party, the purpose of the “Chic Click Carnival” is to introduce yourself and one fellow peep you found 
using the Visit Our Peeps widget.

so...I'm Staci - mom to the lizard (4) and ladybug (2).  
I like chick lit...and sugar-free vanilla iced coffees (from McDonald's)
Here's a post I'm pretty proud of :)

Onto my 'peep''s Pumpkin Petunia (the name alone!)  
Jo-Ann has a great site with tons of party inspiration
She seems like a fun chick with lots of great ideas! 
I mean...come on, Jo-Ann even put a pretty dress on the sandwich platter!



  1. Thanks for introducing me to Pumpkin Petunia! I had not seen Jo-Ann's blog before! Great stuff on her blog!!

  2. Looks yummy! :-)

    p.s. I have a li’l something, waiting for you, on my blog.

