Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chic Click Carnival

(can you hear the clown music?)
Here's the deal.
This is not simply a linky party, 
the purpose of the "Chic Click Carnival" is to introduce yourself and one fellow peep name is Staci!  I have 2 little ones, the lizard (4) and the ladybug (2). 
I can't sew.  I like cookies.  I run for fun.  Enough about me!
My fave post is this one from the combo party I had for the kids in May.  

My 'favorite peep' is the celebration shoppe.  Kim has the most fabulous products.  She's even kind enough to share freebies along the way.  I love the parties she shares on her blog!  It's just an all-around great spot to visit (daily)!



  1. I will have to check out the peeps. Thanks.

  2. Thanks so much for making me your "peep of the week." I'm honored!
