Friday, July 16, 2010

my very first attempt at 'graphic designing'

I have big dreams of being able to create some cute printables 
but I'll be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing. 
But I decided to buy some software and just give it a try.  

I came across this cute bottle tag and thought it would be fun to make something for Halloween (you know, since it's right around the corner - ha).  
I imagine these tags hanging on green and/or orange soda bottles...
wine and/or beer bottles or even water bottles.

Now my next step is to be able to share all the fabulous things I intend on creating..I just can't figure out how to get the blankity-blank things to upload (to Scribd).  ARRGGGHHHHH!!

Anyway, this is what it looks like - don't be jealous :)

*edited to add...
My husband is a genius (don't tell him I said that) - he helped me figure it out :)  
Here's the link so you can download this work of art :)  For my very first attempt...and not really having a darn clue, I think it turned out pretty cute.  
Plus, now I've got my Halloween party planning started :)  
I also realized that I was able to upload a sheet of cupcake toppers I made..but I made those on a different program (that was much easier) so I didn't consider that 'designing'.


  1. ooooh, i've been dreaming of doing that too. I have no clue, but it looks like you now do! What program did you use?

  2. You go girl! That tag rocks!

  3. How exciting! Looks great. Can't wait to see what you come up with next:)

  4. Thanks are being very nice! I made a few more goodies..I'm stuck on Halloween things now :)
