Thursday, November 18, 2010

Turkey Thursday

Welcome to another edition of Turkey Thursday... 
here & here are the other ones 
(in case you missed them).

Here are my supplies.  
jugs (spray painted some from McDonalds), paper, ribbon. glue gun & googly eyes

This is pretty straight forward.  Have your kids (or you can do it for them) write what they are thankful for on strips of paper.  
I decided NOT to cut feather shapes but feel free.  
Once you have all of your 'feathers' - glue them on. 
yes..the ladybug is thankful for the 'couch' :)

These little cuties are on our mantle.  
I think I'll put them on our Thanksgiving table with flowers in them...
or maybe some of my 'gobble gobble' toppers!

And I just have to say 'THANK YOU' for all the sweet words about my printables.  
You have no idea how nervous I was to share them - 
the encouragement means the world to me!

linking up:
Join  us Saturdays at for the 
weekend      wrap    up           party!

Get your craft on Thurs.



Unknown said...

they are just darling!!! I love it! And I am SO thankful for the couch too! ;o)

Kim @ Party Frosting!

Piggy Bank Parties said...

Adorable! Love the couch, too! You did a great job on the printables as well!

FrouFrouBritches said...

Man, the stuff you think to use amazes me. That little milk jug would've gone straight to the trash in my house. You are so durn creative! So smart! Love it!

Melissa C said...

Cute!!! Love these... and I love that she is thankful for the couch... tooo cute!

JC's Loft said...

Those are SO adorable! You are so creative, I love it : )


Tania said...

i must make these! they are soo cute!!!

Kelli W said...

These are too cute! And LOL that she is thankful for the would be pretty uncomfortable to sit on the floor all the time:)

Amanda said...

Those jugs are the perfect turkey shape. Great job -- way to get your kids involved!

Jodee said...

Very cute!

P.S. I found football paper today. It was in the "specialty" paper area at Hobby Lobby! Whooo hoooo! Now on to the water bottles!

Amanda said...

Just stopping by to let you know that I have featured your project on Fun Family Crafts! You can see it here

If you have other kid friendly crafts, I'd love it if you would submit them :) If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above.

Kendrick said...

I love this simple and creative Thanksgiving craft.

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